Monday, July 1, 2013

Starting summer off with a bang... literally.

Only I would let a gas station bathroom door bang shut on my heel and have to make a trip to the emergency room to get 6 stitches.  We were somewhere in Alabama, headed to Louisiana.  We stopped in some small town ER where we were there for 5 hours.  7:30 pm-12:30 am.  Yes, my children were with me.  Yes, they watched the whole thing.  No, they never got squeamish while watching the stitches being put in.  They were absolute troopers and very well behaved.  What a way to start our summer break!

Feeling the bandage.

Dr. Andrew was so proud of the extra bandage the nurse let him keep.  

All done.  My little troopers!

It's midnight, they've spent 5 hours in a hospital and they're all still smiling!  

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