Monday, July 1, 2013

Next stop- Tennessee!

After several days in Louisiana, the kids and I drove on over to Tennessee.  We made it in one day!  I have the absolute best little travelers ever!  Unfortunately, Daddy had to go back to South Carolina while we were in Louisiana so we missed being with him on Father's Day but we made him some cute signs and made sure we called him.  While we were in Nashville, we went to the Parthenon to see the Athena statue (they were absolutely amazed by it), spent some time playing in fountains with Molly Cate, and went to see very beautiful lights at night at Cheekwood.  Our visits keep getting better and better!  We spent one night with Grandma & Grandpa (we promise to stay longer the next time).  We may live in South Carolina but Tennessee will always be home to us.

Sending Daddy a message...

...we hope it made his day.

Heading to play in the water with Molly Cate.

Checking it out...

...getting sunscreen...

...& it's fun!

They loved it!

Snack time!  Davis' new thing is to do something silly in each picture.  So frustrating!  Hope he gets out of this phase soon!

Davis and Molly Cate in deep discussion.  He was really sweet with her, much sweeter than he is with his own siblings.  :)

All in a row. They were so silly!

Going to the Parthenon (I promise not all pictures of Nana are from the back).

Standing in front of Athena, they were in awe of her.  

Reading up on how Athena was made.

Centennial Park.

Waiting for it to get dark enough to see the lights at Cheekwood.

Beginning to get dark.  It was really pretty.

Beautiful light in the water.

Davis was my photographer.

Except for the silly face on Davis, I like this one.  

Aubrey loved the stands that lit up.  She put her map on each one.

My favorite picture of the night.  Davis did a great job on this one!

I love my Daddy!  We're glad he joined us!

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