Monday, July 1, 2013

Louisiana visit

After a dramatic start to our break, we headed to Louisiana to see Uncle Jon, Aunt Caroline, Isaac, & Ava. They came to visit us over Christmas so we wanted to go see them this time.  They were so sweet to host all 5 of us in their home.  We all had a great time!  The kids all got along amazingly well, no fights ever!  We visited a museum, swamp, a very fun playground, watched Ava have a piano lesson, and Davis even got to go see Isaac do karate (he was so proud of Isaac).  Caroline was the ultimate hostess!  Thank you so much for having us, we can't wait to see you the next time!

We were happy to be out of the car and just hang out.

My kids were right at home- Legos, Legos, and more Legos!

Davis & Isaac bonded over DS games.

Aunt Caroline brought out clay.

They loved it!

The "Hapkins" Club.  They were hilarious with their cloth napkins on their heads and secret passwords.

Aubrey loved having another girl around.

Everyone's favorite place- a gift shop!

Ava and Aubrey in front of the silly mirror.

Caroline & I had to try it out, too.

Aubrey in clown shoes...

...& Andrew in clown shoes.

Bubble time!

They all loved making the gigantic bubbles.

Aubrey "driving" the ambulance.

Taking care of her pet.  She says she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.

Dr. Andrew

I was playing with the different features on my phone.  This one is vintage.

I love the black & white setting.  If it weren't for the computer, this looks straight out of the 1950s!

Daddy giving Aubrey a lesson on how to use a rotary dial phone.

Brothers putting the bones together.

Andrew measuring Daddy's bones.

The grocery store!

Aunt Caroline even got in on the action.

Ava & Caroline checking out.

Andrew's turn.

Isaac's next.

The restaurant was everyone's favorite part.  Some of the dishes they served us were a little questionable, though.

Ava "ate" a GIANT hamburger!


...done! Amazing!!!

Andrew hanging out in front of the silly mirror.

Uncle Jon's turn.

Aubrey loved Ava's Jeep!

A girl has to make sure she looks good while driving!

Time for Ava's piano lesson.

They sat so quiet and still!

Too sweet!  Andrew was concentrating.  They applauded when she was done and Andrew told her she did a great job!

I love this picture of Ava!

Playing with my camera again.

All 9 of us together!

We loved this playground!  The swings were huge!

Davis wanted to try...

...I think he liked it!

Andrew climbing.

Silly Uncle Jon!

Aubrey loved all of Ava's dress up clothes!

Playing with my camera.  She is just too cute...


Headed for a boat ride on the swamp.

Excited and ready to go!

She was ready to watch for alligators.

All smiles even though it was super hot & sticky!

It was gorgeous!

I loved all the Spanish Moss!


We got pretty close!

Aubrey holding the skeleton of some bug.  She loved it!

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