Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Palm Coast, FL vacation

As our children get older our vacations get better & this year was no exception.  This might have been one of our best vacations ever!  We love Palm Coast and we've stayed in this resort before.  There's even a putt putt course!  While we were on vacation, we celebrated Aubrey's 5th birthday.  She wanted to eat cake on the beach at sunset but we didn't quite make it so we had cake outside our hotel at sunset.  We headed to the beach 4 different days and now everyone has a boogie board (yes, there is a picture of me on one to prove it).  We went to our favorite pizza place in St. Augustine once and our favorite playground in St. Augustine twice.  We also visited a fun museum that had a giant sloth skeleton and an awesome children's section.  It was an awesome vacation!  Now we're home and summer is more than halfway over.

Our first day there.  The waves were awesome!

We love the beach!!

Time to boogie board!

Playing in the sand.

Andrew (with a little help from Daddy) and his sand fort.

Top view.

All smiles on this gorgeous day.

It's a team effort sometimes.

Mud (or wet sand) bath.

Playing in the waves.

Ready to go ride the waves.

My beach loving, boogie boarding, ballet dancing, cold pizza eating, sweet sassy (now) 5 year old.

Fishing boat.

Skeleton of a crab that completely freaked Aubrey out.  She ran screaming to us.

Rick and his mini-me.

Other side of the table.  :)

She even looks bigger to me now that she's 5.  Sigh...

A little putt putt on her birthday.

Receiving some instruction from Daddy.

Andrew's turn.

Davis the pro.

All 3 playing.

Davis decided I needed my picture taken, too.

Aubrey's girl minion cake from Despicable Me.

Exhausted.  Somehow he mustered enough energy for cake later.

Determined to go across the obstacle by herself.

Andrew looking down.

Davis hanging out in the playground.

Cake at sunset.

Happy Birthday to our sweet Aubrey Claire.

I guess they liked it.

More sand castle fun.  I think this one is mine.


Proof that I boogie board.  It was awesome!!!

My first ever attempt at french braids on Aubrey.

Skeleton of a giant sloth.

Andrew was enamored with it!

Davis pulling himself up.

Aubrey checking out the giant microscope.

Andrew pulling himself up...

...he couldn't stop laughing long enough to get very high off the ground.

Aubrey's turn.

Davis building a roller coaster.

Building a race car.

Pulling a bowling ball down to pop a tennis ball up.

Determined not to be outdone by her brothers...

...she wasn't.

Showing off by pulling it behind his back.

Pedaling a bicycle to power electricity.

Building her roller coaster...

...she worked hard and got it to work!

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