Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Another 4th of July, another bike parade.  Our number of participants in our family keeps dropping.  This year only Aubrey chose to ride.  The boys made sure they were well decorated, though.  They cheered her on and walked at least the few feet along the parade route to our house.  Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!

All decorated and ready to ride!

Andrew decided he needed to add blue to his outfit...

...Davis thought this was a good idea, too.

Red, white, & blue brothers.

Happy 4th!

It was very bright out!

Skylar & Aubrey

Ready to cheer his sister on!

On your marks, get set...


Walking the parade route (until it passed our house where they stopped & sat & waited for their sister to ride back by).

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