Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Andrew's fishing camp

For as long as an of can remember, Andrew has wanted to go fishing.  If you know me & Rick at all, you know we aren't really fishing people so of course we were excited to find a fishing camp for him.  He has literally been counting down for WEEKS!!!  I was just praying the camp met his expectations- and it has.  He has loved every minute of it.  His instructor calls Andrew, "adorable, interested, and, even though he's the youngest, the smartest in the group."  As his Nana says, we aren't surprised.  He caught his first fish yesterday and his instructor told me that in all his years of doing the camp, he had never seen anyone as excited as Andrew was!  Today Andrew caught the "mystery fish" so he will get a prize on Friday.  I have been so proud of all three of my children this summer for trying new things and going to camps where they know no one.  I love these little people!

Andrew's instructor helping him put the bait on.

Getting ready.

Waiting and watching carefully.

Aubrey decided she needed a closer look.


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