Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dance Department Dance Camp

All three have different camps this summer and this week has been Aubrey's turn.  She went to a camp at Dance Dept where she takes dance.  Today we were able to watch a 10 minute show they put together.  She LOVED it!!!  She has now decided she no longer wants to take ballet, but tap & jazz.  I somehow knew she would feel this way and if you spend any time with her at all, you would agree with me.  The girl loves to make up dances to songs on the radio.  The boys even went with me to watch and both were mesmerized.  So glad she has found something that makes her happy!  By the way, I apologize for some of the pictures being blurry, it was a fast dance and difficult to catch her at times.

Her class.

The big girls were leading so that's why she's in the back.

Her teacher said, "Aubrey's got some moves!"

Loving it!

Doing some of her

She loved Ms. Katie!

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