Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer so far.

Let's see, so far this summer we've traveled through five states, seen 11 relatives, had one emergency room visit (two if you count having the stitches taken out), sent Davis to Camp Nana/Grandma for almost 2 weeks, sent Aubrey to her first camp, and celebrated 17 years of marriage... and we're not even halfway through summer!  Davis comes home tomorrow and we head to the beach on Sunday where we will celebrate Aubrey's 5th (yes, I said 5th) birthday.  She wants to go see Despicable Me 2 and eat cake on the beach at sunset.  When we come back, Davis has a week of tennis camp (his own decision), Aubrey has dance camp the next week and the next two weeks, Andrew has a fishing camp and then a lego camp.  We'll be back in Tennessee at the beginning of August to celebrate Nana's birthday then it's back to school on August 20.  This is one packed summer!  Hope everyone has a great one!

Andrew thoroughly enjoyed a week of Davis being gone and Aubrey at camp.

June 22, 1996

June 22, 2013

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