Thursday, June 6, 2013


Spring went by so quickly in this house.  It's hard to believe summer break is already here. I now have a Kindergarten, 1st grade, and middle schooler.  Wow!  We've had a great spring so far and we're looking forward to a fun summer.  We travel to Louisiana in a few days to visit with Rick's brother, Jon, and his family.  From there, the kids and I will head to Tennesee for a week (unfortunately, Rick will have to fly back home while we're in Louisiana).  Davis will stay  an extra week for Camp Nana/Grandma while Andrew and Aubrey travel back with me.  We'll all head to the beach in July and celebrate Aubrey's 5th (yes, I said 5th) birthday.  She wants to have cake on the beach at sunset. Okay...  Then it's back to Tennessee in August for a few days to celebrate Nana's birthday before we head back to school.  Whew!  I'm tired already!  Wishing everyone a safe and fun summer!

Aubrey has been taking swimming lessons.  She's chatting with her teacher before they begin.

She's been doing awesome!!!

Such the little fish already!

They've been playing this Mysterious Mansion game on my nook and they finally unlocked all the clues to solve the game.

A trip to the zoo!  

Silly pic!

Aubrey loves the carousel almost as much as she loves the...

...climbing wall.  Look at her go!

Feeding the giraffes.

So sweet!

She does love to pose for pictures!

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