Thursday, June 6, 2013

5th Grade Graduation

Sigh.  How can it possibly be the end of Davis' elementary school career?  When did he get old enough to go to middle school?  He looked so handsome wearing a tie and he brought home two 93's and two 91's on his report card.  He has come such a long way and worked so hard.  We will miss River Springs for him, it's been like a family to us.  They have taken the best care of him and he has progressed an enormous amount in just the 3 years he has been there.  We love you, Davis and we know the future holds great things for you.

First time wearing a tie.

At first he wasn't super thrilled about it...

...but he was just so handsome and grown up!

The class gift, a bench.  I was on the graduation committee and I cannot tell you how many times this bench was moved to "just the perfect spot."  So frustrating!!!

Everything did look really nice in the end, though.

The cakes were very nice!  Too bad the new nutrition guidelines only allowed about an inch by inch piece for everyone.

Our neighbor, Allie.  Her mom was the one who got us to go to River Springs in the first place.

Davis getting his "diploma" and shaking his teacher, Mr. Carmody's hand.

Shaking the assistant principal's hand.

Davis is in the group to the left of the risers, almost right in the middle.

Not the best picture of Rick but still nice, especially nice to have Nana and Pa at this event, too.

Much better!  We love you Davis!

Aerial shot of 5th grade class.  Davis is on the far left, in a red jacket, standing right next to his teacher, Mr. Carmody, who is in the white shirt.

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