Thursday, June 6, 2013

Nana & Pa come to visit

It was awesome to have Nana & Pa here for almost 2 weeks!  They were able to watch Aubrey dance, celebrate with Andrew, and see Davis graduate from elementary school. We really appreciate them staying long enough to do all that.  The kids already miss you (and I do, too)!  Thank you for everything, we love you!

I love my mom!  Aubrey took this of us, you can see the edge of her little finger.

Having fun with my new phone.

The girls having frozen yogurt...

...and the boys with their treats.

Nana & Andrew in deep discussion at the zoo.

Andrew reading his book to Nana.

Andrew loves his Nana!

We love you Nana & Pa!  Thanks for coming to see us for such a long time!

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