Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Break trip

Nana & Aubrey at Chile Burrito, one of our favorite places to eat.

Emily showing Andrew her crab.

Showing everyone.

Blowing bubbles & playing in Jill's backyard.

Emily & Aubrey with their bubbles.

With one of my very best friends, Jill Cooper.

Betty & Davis at the park.

Betty balancing with Andrew.

Molly Cate practicing walking, she's almost there!


Two sweet girls, Caron and Molly Cate.

Andre hugging Molly Cate.

Molly Cate is quickly catching up to Andrew & Aubrey!

Sweet cousins!

More sweet cousins!

Two awesome (and sometimes silly) dads!

Nana & Duchess with all the grandchildren.

So sweet! I pity the boys who try to date her later on, big brother will meet them at the door!

Andrew inside the snake at the Nashville Zoo.

Mommy & Andrew in the snake's belly!

Andrew loved this crocodile and waited very patiently for everyone to get off of it so he could have a turn.

Waiting to ride the carousel. I'm not sure how I managed to get all three to ride in the same spot!

Aubrey & Davis watching the elephants.

Aubrey & Andrew in front of an elephant skeleton (Andrew is fascinated with any type of skeleton these days).

Andrew, Rick, & Davis watching the elephants.

Andrew at the Cheekwood train exhibit. Can you tell he's just a little excited?

All three had a blast!

Aubrey loved watching for Percy.

Andrew watching Thomas.

One of my favorite pictures of the four of us!

"Mommy & her mommy" is what Aubrey calls us.

Davis holding Aubrey up to see the Ladybug train.

Davis and Mommy having fun!

Davis finding Easter Eggs at Grandma's house.

Grandma helping Andrew & Aubrey.

Grandpa supervising.

Grandpa herding. :)

Andrew & Aubrey looking for more eggs.

Love this picture of Grandpa & Grandma with the three children!

Grandpa & Davis "making" cookies. "One drop of dough for the pan, two drops for me..."

Things Grandmas can do that Mommies can't, get Aubrey to pedal! She refuses to that for me!

Helping Grandma with mulch. Andrew was awesome with the little shovel!

Another thing Grandmas are great at, haircuts!

Davis got one, too.

Spring Break actually came during spring this year, but it didn't make it any less cold in TN. All the same, we had a great visit full of lots of family time, friend time, a trip to the zoo, and a very fun trip to Cheekwood to see the trains. We miss Nashville so much and it's always wonderful to go home.

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