Friday, May 27, 2011

Aubrey's Little Gym graduation

Getting started with Miss Sarah.

Andrew had a blast!

Andrew's forward roll!

There they go!

Running for warm up.

Chasing Miss Sarah.

Silly Aubrey!

Thinking Aubrey.

"Come on, Mommy!"

Tree pose for bubbles.


Miss Sarah blowing bubbles on Aubrey's feet.

"Go on Aubrey!"


Lookout Aubrey!

Receiving instructions from Miss Sarah.

Waiting to start.

Aubrey receiving her medal.

Ta Da!

Ta Da with Miss Sarah!

Miss Sarah!

My little gymnast!

Hanging out with Daddy.

Rolling with Rachel.

Aubrey graduated from her spring class at the Little Gym yesterday. It was her last Mommy and me class which I'm a little sad about. In 2 weeks, she and Andrew will start a new class on Saturdays together. I'm not sure who's more excited, Aubrey or Andrew. We will miss Miss Sarah who just teaches the Mommy and Me classes (and who is having a baby boy any day now).

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