Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mommy & Aubrey road trip for Molly Cate's 1st Birthday!

Cousins (Aubrey didn't want to share).

Molly Cate getting ready to eat her cupcake.

Aubrey excited about hers!

Nana & Aubrey enjoying their cupcakes.

Aubrey liked the icing.

Aubrey "helping" Molly Cate open the present from her.

More helping...

Molly Cate had so much fun!

Nana & Aubrey escaping upstairs.

Two sets of three generations of girls!

Sweet cousins!

Nana & Molly Cate

Love these two little girls!

It was so cold that Aubrey had to borrow Nana's jacket!

I can't believe Molly Cate is 1 already! Aubrey and I took the opportunity to take a Girl's road trip to celebrate with Molly Cate, Caron & Kyle. It was such a fun trip and Aubrey was the best little traveler! She enjoyed getting all the attention from Nana & Pa without her big brothers around and she was fascinated with their cats! Here's to many more road trips together and Happy Birthday, Molly Cate!

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