Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preschool Carnival

Aubrey adored Mrs. Kellie who called her "Sweet Roll."

Aubrey's teacher, Mrs. Lisa. All 3 have had her at some point, we will miss her so so so much!

Andrew's assistant teacher, Mrs. Unrue.

Andrew's teacher, Mrs. Herring.

Andrew playing ring toss.

Aubrey "fishing."

Andrew playing a game with next year's teacher, Mrs. Boyd. Davis loved her!!

Aubrey and best friend, Madeline.

Waiting on their tattoos.


Early watercooler talk!

Snacking with friends.

They loved the see saw!

Andrew & Aaden, they almost always dressed alike!

Aubrey's favorite part- the slow melting popsicles!

Best friends laughing!

Yummy popsicles!

Mrs. Lisa, Madeline, Aubrey, and Mrs. Kellie.

It's hard to believe another preschool year has passed! Next year, Andrew and Aubrey will be in the same building! We went to their end of the year carnival and had a blast playing and eating Popsicles with friends!

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