Friday, May 6, 2011

Muffins for Moms 2011

Andrew's class ready to sing, "You Are My Sunshine."

My sweet Andrew.

My sweet Aubrey Claire.

Aubrey with her best friend, Madeline.

They are obsessed with Madeline's baby sister, Amelia.

The Three Amigas- Madeline, Aubrey, & Charleston.

It's that crazy busy time of year where there is so much going on at every one's school. This week I was fortunate enough to attend two Muffins for Moms, one for Andrew's class and one for Aubrey's. Andrew's was Thursday and when they sang, "You Are My Sunshine," there was not a dry eye in the room! Andrew had made a bracelet and a corsage for me and we had muffins, fruit, pink punch, cheese straws, and M&Ms. Aubrey's was the next day. She also made me a corsage and her class made the moms stationery, using their thumbprints to make ladybugs to decorate the paper and the envelopes. So sweet! When I picked up Davis from school today, his class had potted pink flowers for all the moms! I love being a mom, there's not a better or more rewarding job! Happy Mother's Day!

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