Friday, May 6, 2011


The Easter Bunny was here!

Uno Spin

Aubrey breaking in to her basket.

Andrew got a dinosaur dig.

First Barbie and Barbie car!

Daddy & Andrew working on his dinosaur dig.

Waiting for the egg hunt to begin.

Aubrey & Andrew waiting with Gray.

Andrew was NOT happy that day!

All the kids lining up for a photo op (there are tons of cameras behind me).

There she goes...

...and making sure she has the good stuff!

Davis was happy...

....but Andrew wasn't.

Aubrey with Ms. Nikki.

We made it home just in time for the Easter Bunny to come to our house then I made Easter-shaped beignets for breakfast and we were off to church and their egg hunt. Davis was thrilled that the age limit was moved up to 5th grade instead of 2nd grade so he can still participate. In the meantime, Andrew got promoted from the playground egg hunt to the big hill egg hunt. He was less than thrilled and went so slowly that all the eggs were gone by the time he got up there, but, thanks to big brother and a few other children, he didn't go home empty handed. Whew! Aubrey had the while thing figured out, she would open the egg first and if she liked what was in it she would put it in her basket, and if she didn't, she would put it back! Haha! That's my girl!

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