Friday, May 27, 2011

Davis' poetry reading party

Mrs. Pennington introducing Davis.

Davis reading his poem, "Leaves."

Davis with Mrs. Pennington. We will miss her!

Yesterday I was invited to listen to Davis' third grade class read some of the poetry they had created over the school year. Davis wrote a great poem about fall. Mrs. Pennington had all their poetry bound in a nice book for them and Davis dedicated his to me because I help him with his homework. So sweet! We will miss Mrs. Pennington!

Aubrey's Little Gym graduation

Getting started with Miss Sarah.

Andrew had a blast!

Andrew's forward roll!

There they go!

Running for warm up.

Chasing Miss Sarah.

Silly Aubrey!

Thinking Aubrey.

"Come on, Mommy!"

Tree pose for bubbles.


Miss Sarah blowing bubbles on Aubrey's feet.

"Go on Aubrey!"


Lookout Aubrey!

Receiving instructions from Miss Sarah.

Waiting to start.

Aubrey receiving her medal.

Ta Da!

Ta Da with Miss Sarah!

Miss Sarah!

My little gymnast!

Hanging out with Daddy.

Rolling with Rachel.

Aubrey graduated from her spring class at the Little Gym yesterday. It was her last Mommy and me class which I'm a little sad about. In 2 weeks, she and Andrew will start a new class on Saturdays together. I'm not sure who's more excited, Aubrey or Andrew. We will miss Miss Sarah who just teaches the Mommy and Me classes (and who is having a baby boy any day now).

Davis' French Performance

My little mime!

Davis is in the middle, getting ready to walk to the front row.

Mrs. Cohen, principal.

We have loved everything about Davis' new school this year and his French performance was no exception! His French teacher has gotten a grant the past 3 years to bring in some experts and put on a performance. This year, the students were mimes, dancers, and drummers. Davis was a mime and a drummer. The expert was a drummer who studied in South Africa where they speak French. It was an outstanding performance and Davis did a GREAT job! Somehow my video of Davis drumming was lost but there is a video of them narrating for the story of Babar.

Video of Davis' French performance.

Davis is in the group standing on the right, he's right smack in the middle with a bandana around his neck.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preschool Carnival

Aubrey adored Mrs. Kellie who called her "Sweet Roll."

Aubrey's teacher, Mrs. Lisa. All 3 have had her at some point, we will miss her so so so much!

Andrew's assistant teacher, Mrs. Unrue.

Andrew's teacher, Mrs. Herring.

Andrew playing ring toss.

Aubrey "fishing."

Andrew playing a game with next year's teacher, Mrs. Boyd. Davis loved her!!

Aubrey and best friend, Madeline.

Waiting on their tattoos.


Early watercooler talk!

Snacking with friends.

They loved the see saw!

Andrew & Aaden, they almost always dressed alike!

Aubrey's favorite part- the slow melting popsicles!

Best friends laughing!

Yummy popsicles!

Mrs. Lisa, Madeline, Aubrey, and Mrs. Kellie.

It's hard to believe another preschool year has passed! Next year, Andrew and Aubrey will be in the same building! We went to their end of the year carnival and had a blast playing and eating Popsicles with friends!

Mommy & Aubrey road trip for Molly Cate's 1st Birthday!

Cousins (Aubrey didn't want to share).

Molly Cate getting ready to eat her cupcake.

Aubrey excited about hers!

Nana & Aubrey enjoying their cupcakes.

Aubrey liked the icing.

Aubrey "helping" Molly Cate open the present from her.

More helping...

Molly Cate had so much fun!

Nana & Aubrey escaping upstairs.

Two sets of three generations of girls!

Sweet cousins!

Nana & Molly Cate

Love these two little girls!

It was so cold that Aubrey had to borrow Nana's jacket!

I can't believe Molly Cate is 1 already! Aubrey and I took the opportunity to take a Girl's road trip to celebrate with Molly Cate, Caron & Kyle. It was such a fun trip and Aubrey was the best little traveler! She enjoyed getting all the attention from Nana & Pa without her big brothers around and she was fascinated with their cats! Here's to many more road trips together and Happy Birthday, Molly Cate!