Monday, October 8, 2012

Sea World 2012

This year for their birthdays, the boys decided on a family trip to Sea World (Columbus Day usually falls near their birthdays and they're out of school) instead of birthday parties and we couldn't be more proud of their decision!  We had an amazing time!  We left on Friday morning after Andrew's Fun Reading Friday and Davis' math test (Andrew's was more fun).  We stayed at a very fun hotel that had bunk beds for the kids. They each took turns sleeping on the top or bottom bunk or the sleeping bag on the floor.  Since the last time we visited Sea World, we ran out of time in 1 day, we decided to break it up into 2 days with a trip to Downtown Disney on our second day.  We were able to go to the Dolphin Show and the Shamu Show on the first day and the Pirate/Sea Otter show & a funny pet show on the second day.  Andrew and Aubrey loved the kid-sized roller coaster, Shamu Express, and Davis & Aubrey loved this gigantic net climb.  No one complained even once about all the walking and it wasn't too awful hot.     Downtown Disney was fun, too, with an awesome trip to the fabulous T-Rex Cafe!  There were all kinds of robotic dinosaurs and a meteor shower went off every 15 minutes.  We also visited the Lego Store for the boys and a Disney Princess Store for Aubrey.  It was a great trip and everyone agrees we should go somewhere next year.  Maybe Disney World?  Stay tuned...  :)

So excited about the bunk beds!

Ready to go in to Sea World!!

It's become a tradition for us to have a family picture taken at the Dolphin Show.

Dolphin Show

The Orca Show was next.

They were amazing!

Incredible what they can do!

Oops!  These are dolphins.  Still beautiful creatures, though!  :)

Dolphins or Orcas, it didn't matter, Andrew was fascinated!

Aubrey & Andrew being silly inside a Great White's jaws.

Andrew climbing to the pirate ship.

Rick & Andrew at the top of the pirate ship.

In front of an orca statue.

These guys on stilts were fascinating!

Sometimes we got a little silly!  :)

Enjoying the Manta Aquarium.

They were fun to watch!

Aubrey & Davis checking something out.

Waiting for the next show to start.

Aubrey working her way across this crazy net climb.  She's fearless!

See how high up it is?!?  She's one of those little people up there.

Davis stayed with her the whole time, what a great brother!  She's in the pink & he has on the red shoes.

"Look, Mom, we made it!"

One of our favorites, the pirate/seal show.  It's hilarious!

The seals were great!

The kids also rode their very first roller coaster.  Davis HATED it, Andrew liked it, and Aubrey LOVED it!

Out of order, but Davis and Aubrey at the top of the net climb on the second day.

No visit would be complete without a trip to the gift shop.  Davis actually waited to spend his money until he got to the Lego Store in Downtown Disney, he's holding Andrew's Spotted Manta.

We loved the Shark Aquarium with the cool tunnel!

Getting ready to ride up a tower that gives you a 360 degree birds eye view of Sea World.

Davis is turning into quite the photographer!

The kids all wanted to take a picture from the tower, this is Aubrey's.

Andrew's picture is of the Orca Stadium.

Davis' was of the roller coaster, the Kracken (even though he doesn't want to ride it, it still fascinates him).

Love the Phineas & Ferb topiary at Downtown Disney!

The T-Rex Cafe!

In front of the T-Rex (which Andrew informed me wasn't real bones).

Giant Woolly Mammoth.

Indoor Meteor Shower.

More meteor shower, it was so dark in there that the pictures didn't turn out well.

Dinosaurs were everywhere!

Aubrey liked sitting on this foot.

This is where we sat.

Andrew & the Triceratops.

The Ice Age Room.

More meteor shower.

Next stop- Lego Store!

Andrew building a Ninjago guy.

He also built a dragon.

Aubrey in front of her favorite Disney Princess, Snow White, completely made of legos.

Aubrey wanted to build with legos, too.

The 2 Lego ships Davis bought & built.

Princess Aubrey!

Time for some yummy ice cream!

Perfect ending to our trip, Andrew lost his first tooth!

Exhausted but happy!

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