Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Field Trip with Andrew

Andrew is having a wonderful year in Kindergarten and I am having a wonderful time sharing it with him.  I love Kindergartners and have really been enjoying my time with them this year.  Yesterday, I helped chaperon a field trip to a very fun farm.  It was the perfect fall day with cool temps and falling leaves.  The fun part was loading the bus with a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds who had never ridden a bus before, God bless those patient teachers!  The field trip was fantastic with hay rides, pumpkin picking, sheep, potbelly pigs, horses, donkeys, and even a couple of peacocks (don't worry, Nana, Andrew didn't touch them).  We had a blast and everyone was completely worn out by the end.  Happy Fall!

Excited for his first bus ride!

Hay ride!  I promise he was loving it, there was just too much to look at.

My group with their pumpkins.  Marley, Tyler, & Andrew.

Marley & Andrew.  He may not be looking but at least he struck a pose!

Mrs. Cook's class.  Aren't they cute?

This was the most patient donkey ever!

We loved this sweet pony.  It had the most beautiful blue eyes.

Just for Nana.

We loved these sheep!

Very big potbelly pig!

This lady was great, she obviously works with children frequently.  She was telling them how a pumpkin grows.  I even learned a few things!

Petting a baby chick (another one for Nana).

Love this!  Mrs. Cook is on the right and her assistant, Mrs. Sample, is on the left.

Lunch time!

Worn out!

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