Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Boosterthon is the way the boys' elementary school raises money.  Instead of selling wrapping paper or cookie dough, the students get pledges for the number of laps they run around a track.  It's huge fun and the excitement and enthusiasm is built up over a couple of weeks.  Today was the Fun Run.  Andrew ran first with the Kindergartner's and ran 29 laps.  Davis ran next with the 5th graders and completed 35 laps.  Thanks to everyone who supported us!  The school is using the money to add new playground equipment (last year, we built a track).

Doing the Boosterthon cheer.  Andrew is front and center, next to his teacher.

...and he's off!!  

There he goes!  

Here comes Davis' class.

Davis (in the brown shorts) doing the "fast walk" first lap.

Ready to run!

Walking this one.

So proud of my not-so-little-anymore-man!

The back of the shirt showing all his completed laps marked off.


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