Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

The bigger my children get, the more fun Halloween becomes... and the busier!  This year, Aubrey had Western Day at her preschool, complete with a train ride and a parade.  Andrew had Spider Day at his school where they went to all the different Kindergarten classrooms and did a different activity in each room. Both of these events were at the same time which meant Rick and I had to tag team, he went to Aubrey's and I went to Andrew's.  Then tonight we had our holiday tradition of beignets, using Halloween cookie cutters and then it was off to trick or treat.  I don't know who's more tired, the parents or the kids!  Happy Halloween!

Western Day apple game.

Lining up

Group picture

Choo Choo Train

Waiting for the parade to begin.

Marching with Madeline.

Andrew's class listening to Mrs. Cook for instruction.  He's on the back row, last one on the right.

Andrew creating his spider out of blocks.

I love my little man!

Pirate girl!


Davis as a skeleton ninja- he made it up himself.

My little Ninja, who later changed into a skeleton.

All 3!

Halloween Beignets!  YUM!

My little helpers.


Don't you love how they're color coordinated?

Love the expression on his face!  Haha!

Aubrey and Sally the Witch!

Seth & Aubrey (still not sure what he was).

My good friend, Jan.

The skeleton Ninja and his friend the...?

"Trick or Treat."

There they go...

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