Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fun Birthday Party!

Aubrey was invited to a birthday party at the home of one of her preschool friends and the mom said to bring  her brothers.  Davis was busy but Andrew was available.  It was an awesome party!  The theme was circus and there were fun games, face painting, balloons, corn dogs, sno cones, etc.  They had a blast!

Aubrey's favorite part, the trampoline!

Andrew LOVED this game, he even helped with it!

Aubrey trying her hand at knocking the cans over.

See?  There he goes again!

New game!  I think he just loved the prizes. :)

Aubrey trying out the sack race.

The sack was almost as big as she was!

Cupcake time!

The balloon lady making a bee for Aubrey.

Aubrey with the birthday girl.

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