Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

Andrew has been begging to carve his pumpkin and plant some pumpkin seeds for weeks now so today while Rick & Davis were at the game, we thought it would be the perfect time.  In reality, Andrew just wanted me to carve it and he took the seeds, he thought the whole thing was disgusting.  Aubrey, however, enjoyed every minute of getting her hands in "all the goop," and wouldn't let me touch her pumpkin!  They're so funny!

Getting "the goop" out.

Andrew writing his name on his bag of seeds.  He counted out 20 for everybody.

Aubrey loved every gross second!

Andrew with his pumpkin (he wanted me to make it look just like the plastic one on the ground which is HUGE pressure if you know Andrew, but I ended up doing just fine. Whew!).

Aubrey drew the face herself and I cut it out.

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