Thursday, April 25, 2013

Strawberry picking

It's our favorite time of year (well, not Rick's but everyone else's), strawberry season!  There is a great strawberry patch here and we love to go!  This year Aubrey and I met up with Erin & Gray, and Kristie and her girls.  I think we might have eaten more than we put in our baskets!  We did this on Tuesday and we've already finished one basket.  We love strawberries!

Gray & Aubrey far down the field.

Filling her basket.

Excited about all those strawberries!

Happy girl!

Gray & Aubrey "sampling" their strawberries.

Baby Adeline & Annie

Discussing eating strawberries right off the vine.  

Sweet Annie kept saying, "Annie eat more.  Annie eat more."

Kristie & Annie

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