Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Break 2013

How can it already be time for Spring Break?  This year is truly flying by!  This year, we decided to add a couple more adventures to our regular TN trip.  On our way, we stopped off in Atlanta to go to Legoland which was so much fun!  There were a couple of rides where we got to "shoot" the evil Lego figures, a playplace to climb, lots of places to build your own lego sets, and an awesome 4D movie (which was everyone's favorite).  While we were in Nashville, Rick and I took Andrew & Aubrey to Dinoworld in Cave City, KY.  It was a pretty cool place, too!  There was a fun fossil dig, a movie to watch about an Alosaurus, and a long trail with life-sized dinosaurs.  They both loved it!  While we were there, Nana and Pa took Davis on his own adventure to the JDN Greenway where Davis and Nana walked 2 miles!  Aubrey's favorite part of the trip was spending a part of the day with Molly Cate at Nana's playground and then lunch. We also headed to Tullahoma to see Grandma & Grandpa for Grandma's annual Easter Egg Hunt.  It was a quick Spring Break and we look forward to going back and seeing everyone again this summer.


Aubrey found a friend!

"Painting" with legos!

Aubrey playing football.  It's the Atlanta stadium, players, fans- all made of Legos.

Aubrey & Andrew building.

There was also a Lego Friends section, which is for girls.

Getting ready to ride on a ride where the faster you pedal, the higher you go.  She couldn't quite reach the pedals.

Aubrey climbing way up high!

Andrew way up high!

Aubrey building a tall tower... was taller than she was!

Aubrey singing karaoke.

Dancing in the mirror.

4D movie time!

Davis was determined to be in both pictures while Andrew wasn't interested.

Pirate Aubrey.

Worn out!

Davis was, too!

Welcome to Dinoworld!

Andrew was so excited to be there!!

I love my little dino expert!

He loved all the little dinos on the playground.

Andrew in the T-Rex's mouth.

Andrew playing the dinosaur trivia game- yes, he knew all the answers.

Time for the fossil dig!

Aubrey loved this part.

Daddy helping Andrew find his 3.  Everyone could keep 3 fossils.

Showing off their 3 fossils.  Andrew found shark teeth, which he was VERY excited about.

More of Andrew digging.

Aubrey was braver and climbed farther in the T-Rex's mouth.

On the trail.

They found another fossil site.

"Petting" the baby dinos.

Reading the info to us, we were REALLY impressed!  He didn't stumble over many words.

I don't think this is a T-Rex but it was big!  Andrew could probably tell me what it is but he's not here at the moment.

We loved the woolly mammoths!  Aubrey is "loving on the baby."

Standing at the base of the life-size T-Rex's tail.

He was HUGE!  Andrew and Aubrey are sitting on his toes, you can barely see them on the left.

Andrew in front of one of his favorite dinosaurs, the Brachiosaurus.

Davis on his adventure.

It was cold there, too!

On the 2 mile hike.

Beautiful views!

My favorite picture!  This cracks me up!  They are just alike!

One of our favorite places to eat, Pie in the Sky Pizza.  Andrew was cracking me up in his coat, playing his Nook, & eating his pizza all at the same time.

I can't remember whether Aubrey or Davis took this, but whoever did, did a very nice job.

Lunch with Molly Cate.

Aubrey teaching Molly Cate how to play Angry Birds on the Nook.

She tired out so Aubrey played while she watched.

Davis kept wanting to take pictures.

Molly Cate was fascinated with the boys.  We told Caron that Molly Cate needs 2 older brothers!  :)

Sweet girls!

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma's.

It was a gorgeous day!

The boys counting their eggs.

Time to check and see what's inside.

Aubrey found skittles, her favorite.

Riding bikes with Grandma.

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