Friday, April 12, 2013

Andrew's Poetry Reading

We absolutely love Andrew's Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Sample!  They have so many creative ideas and today was certainly no exception.  The parents were invited to a Coffee House Poetry Reading this morning.  The students wore all black, there was coffee, the lights were dimmed, and after each student finished reading a poem, they all snapped their fingers and said, "Groovy."  So precious!  We are really hoping Aubrey gets in their class next year!

My adorable little poet.

Sitting on his spot, ready to begin.

The program which they all autographed for each other after it was over.

The lights were dimmed, Bob Dylan music was playing, coffee was brewing... it was groovy!

Andrew reading his dinosaur poem.  Aubrey was my photographer, by the way.

Andrew was so excited to have his little sister there, he couldn't stop hugging her.

Can't believe how big my babies are getting!

Time for cupcakes and chocolate milk.

Aubrey already thinks she's one of them!

We love Mrs. Sample!

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