Friday, April 12, 2013

Kitchen Renovation Part one

After living in this house for nearly 8 years, we decided to update our kitchen.  It was in desperate need!!  Our countertops were literally falling off, the paint was peeling off the drawers, one cabinet was broken- and that's just the beginning.  There's the faucet that doesn't move to the left sink, the stove that only has one real burner that works (which you have to light with a lighter since it's gas & the flame shoots way up in the air when you light it) & one burner that works if you want to boil water in about 3 hours.  It was time.  Now we are getting new cabinets, countertops, a sink, and a beautiful double oven (thanks to my fabulous parents for that one).  We are so excited!  So far, we have the new cabinets but the rest should come some time next week.  Here are some before pictures and a couple of cabinet pictures.  Did I mention I'm also getting a Lazy Susan?  Andrew loves it and keeps putting his stuffed shark in it and spinning it around.

Old kitchen.

Broken cabinet door.

Old stove/oven.

Old sink with the faucet that only turns one way.

Countertop peeling off.

Another view of old kitchen.

Most of our stuff.  It took me nearly 3 hours to take it all out.


They were fascinated by the empty space!

New cabinets arrived!

Cabinets up!  We LOVE them!!!

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