Saturday, April 20, 2013

A trip to the zoo.

Another bittersweet day, Davis' last Early Release Day.  He and his best friend, Seth, decided for their last elementary school half day they wanted to go to the zoo.  It was supposed to be a beautiful day but the clouds swept in and it poured down on us for a little bit.  It didn't stop us, though, and eventually the sun came out.  We think Aubrey might have a slight crush on Seth but don't ask her about it, she just rolls her eyes & says, "stop it, you guys."  

Seth and Davis, soon to be middle schoolers.

They look so big!

Aubrey & Seth in the treehouse...

...and holding hands on the carousel.  She told him she "felt like she was slipping."  Oh me. We are in so much trouble!

Andrew enjoying his ride on the carousel, not holding hands with anyone because "that's just gross."  

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