Thursday, April 25, 2013

Kitchen Renovation

Formica that is popping off, doors that won't close all the way, drawers with paint peeling off, a stove with only one burner- which you have to light and the flame shoots in the air, an oven which cooks the outside of anything really well, the inside- not so much, a faucet that was stuck on one side of the sink...  I could go on and on and on...  It was time for a kitchen renovation so after 8 years, we called the contractor who built Aubrey's bathroom 5 years ago and we completely redid our kitchen. The result?  Well, you tell me.  We're pretty pleased!  :)

The old kitchen.

Broken cabinet door.

Stove with one working burner which was had become a fire hazard.

The faucet that wouldn't turn to the left side of the sink.

The peeling formica.

Old cabinets.

It took me over 2 hours to take everything out of my kitchen.  Yep, definitely time to get rid of some stuff.


They were fascinated!

The new cabinets have arrived.

Cabinets are up!  Aren't they beautiful?!?

My favorite part- a double oven!!!  Thank you Nana & Pa!  Best. Present. Ever.


New sink!

We have tile and lights under the cabinet!

DONE!!!  I am a happy woman!

Strawberry picking

It's our favorite time of year (well, not Rick's but everyone else's), strawberry season!  There is a great strawberry patch here and we love to go!  This year Aubrey and I met up with Erin & Gray, and Kristie and her girls.  I think we might have eaten more than we put in our baskets!  We did this on Tuesday and we've already finished one basket.  We love strawberries!

Gray & Aubrey far down the field.

Filling her basket.

Excited about all those strawberries!

Happy girl!

Gray & Aubrey "sampling" their strawberries.

Baby Adeline & Annie

Discussing eating strawberries right off the vine.  

Sweet Annie kept saying, "Annie eat more.  Annie eat more."

Kristie & Annie

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Aubrey's field trip to the farm

It was a gorgeous day to take a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds to the farm.  I took 4 4 year old girls in my car.  They sang Fresh Beat Band songs at the top of their lungs and giggled the whole way there. They were hysterical!!!  Aubrey has no fear and she sat on a horse, fed all the animals, took a hayride, and was pretty much the only one in her class who can swing without anyone pushing her.  We will miss preschool... sort of! :)

Listening to Farmer Mike give instructions.

Her first time on a horse. She loved it!

Feeding a llama.

Feeding a donkey.

Time for a hayride!

Sweet friends!

Getting ready to plant a flower.

A trip to the zoo.

Another bittersweet day, Davis' last Early Release Day.  He and his best friend, Seth, decided for their last elementary school half day they wanted to go to the zoo.  It was supposed to be a beautiful day but the clouds swept in and it poured down on us for a little bit.  It didn't stop us, though, and eventually the sun came out.  We think Aubrey might have a slight crush on Seth but don't ask her about it, she just rolls her eyes & says, "stop it, you guys."  

Seth and Davis, soon to be middle schoolers.

They look so big!

Aubrey & Seth in the treehouse...

...and holding hands on the carousel.  She told him she "felt like she was slipping."  Oh me. We are in so much trouble!

Andrew enjoying his ride on the carousel, not holding hands with anyone because "that's just gross."  


It was a bittersweet day as we participated in our last St. Jude Trike-a-Thon for preschool.  The end of preschool is getting closer and closer each passing day.  It was gorgeous weather and the ever-competitive Aubrey was raring to go.  She was fired up and ready to be first, wanting to get past all those going slower than she was.  Hooray for my brave & sure little girl!

Got her helmet on and ready to go!

On your mark, get set...


Aubrey in the lead!  It's not a race but  she was definitely ahead of everyone!

Sweet friends, Aubrey & Iyana.

All done and ready for a snack.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Disney Princesses on Ice

Today Aubrey and I had a girl day.  We had lunch with friends and went to see Disney Princesses on Ice.  Aubrey and her friend, Braelyn, both dressed as Rapunzel. It was a great show, complete with fireworks and lots of singing.  Aubrey loved every moment but she especially loved the Tangled part (& eating her cotton candy).

All dressed up and ready to go.

Addison, Braelyn, & Aubrey ready for lunch.

Three Princesses on their way to the show.

Aubrey is actually the oldest one here.  The tallest girl is almost a year younger!

Love my little princess!

Waiting patiently like true princesses...

...who's feet are tired from walking in glass slippers.

The ice rink.  Aubrey said it was "so beautiful!"

Cotton candy princesses!

She ate the entire bag all by herself.