Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas was so much fun this year and went by incredibly fast! We made Christmas cookies, both sets of grandparents came to visit, we had our traditional lunch with the Elston family, and we topped it all off with sparklers on New Year's Eve with our neighbors. The kids had to be back at school on January 2 which seemed a little early. Hope everyone had very happy holidays!

Silly Aubrey in her new Christmas pj pants!

Davis' Christmas cookie

Andrew's cookie

Daddy helping decorate.

Andrew tends to be a perfectionist.

Aubrey's turn!

The finished product.

After Christmas Eve beignets.

Andrew was the messiest.

Opening one present on Christmas Eve.

Davis' turn.

Andrew picking a present.


Aubrey LOVES her Dora chair!

Putting carrots out for the reindeer (notice the chair accompanied us).

Making sure there is a carrot for each reindeer.

Cookies for Santa...

...and milk.

Hugs for Nana and Pa.

Christmas morning, stocking time!

Andrew got a toy fishing pole.

Aubrey all Hello-Kitty!

Davis built his lego ship from Santa in a matter of seconds.

Before the mad dash!

Opening his giant box.

Aubrey's turn.

More lego ships!

What a mess...

...after the mad dash!

Dr. Aubrey!

She loves her princess castle tent (the boys play in there a bunch, too)!

Playing her new Dora Wii game with Daddy.

Ready to eat at their own little table.

Opening presents from the Elston's.

Ms. Morgan watching.

Aubrey with Ms. Nikki.

Building legos with Nana.

Nana building legos.

Andrew doing sparklers New Year's Eve.

He had fun writing his name!

Aubrey's turn with Ms. Shannon.

LOTS of smoke!

Aubrey making shapes.

Waiting patiently to open presents from Grandma & Grandpa.

A pink elephant Grandma made!

Grandma & Grandpa sorting.

A big hug for Grandma!

So glad Grandma bought new mixing bowls for Mommy, I mean for Aubrey!

Somehow these next few pictures got left out.

Ms. Annette made Aubrey her very own Princess Christmas Tree skirt (that can also double as a tutu!).

Aubrey & Hello Kitty in front of her Christmas Tree.

Andrew playing sea creatures with Mr. Tim.

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