Monday, January 16, 2012

Long weekend trip to Nashville

Thank you, Aunt Betty, for the water bottle.  It will come in handy at the test!

Everyone together for lunch.

Molly Cate & Aubrey are going to great friends!

Deep discussion?

Thank you, Caron, for the fabulous cupcakes!

Aubrey enjoying hers!

Davis & his karate person cupcake.

Andrew loved every bite!

Olivia, Aubrey, and Emily.

The Cooper family (and Aubrey).

It's hard to believe we've been friends for over 20 years!

We were just out of school for Christmas break so we took advantage of the 4 day weekend to go to Nashville.  While we were there, we got together with family to celebrate Davis' upcoming black belt graduation.  Caron was so sweet to organize a get together for him and she even made cute karate cupcakes!  We also met up with my friend, Jill, and her family.  It was an awesome and relaxing weekend.  Thanks Nana and Pa, for hosting us once again!

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