Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Aubrey's Little Gym show!

2nd from the left, waiting to go in.

3rd from the left awaiting instructions.

Standing on her "x".


Changing into ballet slippers.

Dancing low and slow.

Dancing medium, she's on her knees.

Gymnastics time!  There she goes!

Playing with one of her favorite teachers, Ms. Sarah.

On the balance beam (her favorite part) with her other favorite teacher, Ms. Britttany.

All by herself!

So proud of my sweet girl!

The class.

"Ta da!"

Aubrey has been taking ballet, tap, and gymnastics at the Little Gym since early this summer and today they had their mid-season show.  She was a little shy during the tap part but warmed up for ballet and gymnastics.  She even surprised everyone by doing a flip over the bars (she usually HATES the bars and steers clear of them).  So proud of my sweet girl!

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