Saturday, January 21, 2012

Black Belt Graduation

Mrs. Corley (his current teacher), Davis, and Mrs. Boyd (his preschool teacher).

Aubrey sitting waiting with Mrs. Boyd.

Saying their creed.

Reading his essay on what being a black belt means to him.

Shaking hands after receiving his black belt.

Taking off his old belt...

..."soaking up all the knowledge from the previous belt"...

...tying the new belt on.

Receiving his sword.

The newest black belt class.

So proud of our little black belt.

With good friend, Seth.

The Three Amigos who can all be together in class again!

Our neighbors, the West family.

With Mrs. Boyd.

His award.

With Master Zach.

So proud of this guy!

Words cannot express how proud we are of Davis today.  The day began with pancakes for breakfast and then it was off at 9:15 to drop him off at the karate studio.  In all the chaos, we couldn't find Andrew's shoes (they were in my car) and we forgot Davis' water bottle (we got it to him, Betty, he used the one you gave him).  His test was at 10 and we picked him up at noon.  I expected him to be exhausted but he met us at the door with the biggest smile on his face and a huge hug for all of us.  Andrew and Aubrey were all hugs for Davis and both kept saying, "we're so proud of you, Davis!"  At 1:00, it was graduation ceremony time.  Davis was surprised with the appearances of his current teacher and his preschool teacher!  Our neighbors, his best friend, Seth, and his two friends from karate also came to watch him receive his new belt.  Along with his belt, Davis also received an award for perseverance, never giving up.  They mentioned how proud they were of him for coming in October to congratulate his two friends even though his own graduation was pushed back.  There was scarcely a dry eye in the room and several people gave him a standing ovation.  We are so proud of you, Davis, and we couldn't love you more!!!!

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