Friday, December 16, 2011

Preschool Christmas Program

Waiting to go in. Andrew is on the bench far left, Aubrey is seated on the floor.

Andrew sitting on stage, he had just spotted us.

Aubrey sitting on stage.  She wasn't supposed to be on the back row, but we could still see her!

Andrew singing (yes, he really is).

Aubrey singing.  You can tell she is!

Refreshment time!

Aubrey's snack.

A very somber Andrew.  He was either silly or serious!

Daddy & Andrew

Mommy and a very silly Aubrey!

BFF's!  Madeline, Aubrey, & Iyana.

Daddy's girl!

Much better picture!

The crew!  Aubrey, Madeline, Owen, & Andrew.

This year, Andrew & Aubrey shared the stage during their preschool Christmas program.  This year, Andrew sang instead of cried, in fact he was all smiles!  Aubrey LOVES to sing and she smiled and sang the whole time.  After it was over, they had yummy snacks and posed for pictures with their best friends!  We love Seven Oaks!

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