Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Night

Andrew decided not to be an elephant anymore and go back to last year's dinosaur. Still so cute!

Snow White, a ninja, and an elephant.

Spooky family!

Emily in her pjs with her "teddy bear"!

An elf, Sandy, and Kesha! What a mix!

They crack me up! She's pregnant so she was "hefty."

I love this!

A nurse and a cat.

The adults. Love Iron Man, second from the left.

Harry Potter and a ninja.

Pajama night!

Aubrey, Faith, and Andrew all ready to go.

Patrick and Aubrey in the wagon.

On the move!

We love Ms. Tammi!

This year, we hosted the youth group costume party on Halloween night, as well as went trick or treating with our friends, the Ogle family, and Davis' friend, Emery. The adults were supposed to dress up, too. My favorite was Sean's costume, Iron Man, he wore an iron around his neck! I love Halloween, what a fun night!

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