Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crooked Creek trick or treating

Out before we even got there. Should have been a sign he wasn't feeling well.

Waiting in line. Note my ninja who won't show his face!

Alex and Davis (not so) patiently waiting.

The little ones are raring to go!

Aubrey really got into the whole treat thing!

Coming down the path.

Davis and Andrew getting candy.

This year on the Friday night before Halloween, we joined Erin and her kids to go trick or treating through Crooked Creek park. It was so fun, in the beginning anyway. The pathway was lit with candles and there were lots of stations along the way for the kids to get candy. Davis dropped his mask down a creek right off and we had to go back and fish it out later. Andrew wasn't feeling well and got sick about two thirds of the way through, poor little guy, but he was a trooper and wanted to go back for more candy. No worries, he was just congested and that upset his little tummy. He was hungry and fine by the time we got home. What a night!

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