Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Painting Party at Erin's!

Halloween cookies baked, decorated, and ready to eat. I should have made more, they were gone in less than a minute!

Davis ready to paint his pumpkin.

Peek a boo!

Painting his pumpkin.

Our fabulous hostess, Erin, and her son, Gray.

Mommy & Aubrey

Emily & Patrick

Aubrey trying to push Gray.

Andrew was giving me strict instructions on how he wanted to paint his!

Amazingly, I was the only one who ended up with paint on clothes!

My help wasn't needed!

Patrick preferred to taste the paint (no worries, it was non-toxic).

Sweet friends!

Daddy doing his part to keep Aubrey entertained.

Andrew mowing.

Gray was a serious painter.

He didn't want his mommy to help, either.

Ice cream break!

The finished products. Andrew's is the multi-colored one front & center, Davis' is on the left side, the middle one, and Aubrey's is in the upper right hand corner.

Andrew whacking the pinata.

Waiting for candy... it!

So sweet! Maybe they'll share...

I love this time of year! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and my friend, Erin, loves it too! Today we were invited to her house for a Pumpkin Painting Party. The kids had a blast and the weather was perfect fall weather!

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