Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy 9th Birthday to Davis

So excited, he didn't even want it wrapped!

A new Wii game!

Pre-party taste testers.

All decorated.

The doughnut cake.

JonAntheny, Emery, Davis, & Seth

Friends with Nana & Pa

Blowing out his candle.

Yummy doughnuts!

Opening presents.


Melanie & Tammi



Davis was oh so patient this weekend waiting for it to be his turn for birthday festivities. His patience was rewarded and he had a great day! It started off with Mommy & Daddy's present of a new Wii game (he was so excited that he didn't even want it wrapped!) and then he took three friends to Frankie's Fun Park to play for a few hours. When they returned, they enjoyed a doughnut cake and played around the house for awhile. It's so hard to believe our oldest is nine! Davis is loving, compassionate, the best friend to anyone, has a gentle spirit, and such a kind heart. He is also our finder of all things lost! We love you, Davis, and are thankful every day that we were chosen to be your family.

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