Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day trip to see Nikki at LRU

In front of "Claude."

Davis & Nikki with our three.

Climbing around Claude...

...and more climbing.

They loved Ms. Nikki's bed!

Aubrey with Ms. Nikki after Aubrey's giant meltdown at lunch!

We took the opportunity on this beautiful fall day to head to Hickory, NC to see one of our favorite people, Ms. Nikki. Nikki is a sophomore at Lenoir Rhyne University. She is one of our fabulous baby-sitters and a great friend! My three all loved touring the campus. Davis liked peeking in the classrooms while Andrew and Aubrey loved climbing some of the statues around campus. All three were enamored with Nikki's tall bed in her dorm room. The ride through North Carolina was beautiful, the leaves were all turning! We could not have asked for a more perfect day!

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