Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving/tree decorating 2010

"Big Feast!"

Aubrey wanted to eat, too!

Mommy & Andrew

My cute little pilgrim.

Rick & Davis at Davis' publishing party.

Playing in the leaves at Nana's.

Sweet cousins. This year, Aubrey is thankful for Molly Cate!

All eyes on Molly Cate!

The men & Molly Cate watching football.

The reason I love this man- he did ALL the Thanksgiving dishes!

Me with Molly Cate and Caron.

My three favorite boys at the Opryland Hotel.

Davis riding the caboose.

Rick & the little ones ready to go!

Nana's girl! She's even wearing Nana's hat!

Nana's babies.

Tree decorating.

Davis said I needed my picture taken decorating the tree, too.

Andrew's blue tree.

Aubrey's pink tree.

This year was one of our best Thanksgivings yet! For the first time in 6 years, our whole family was able to celebrate together and we had 14 in all! We were so sorry Caron was too sick to travel to Arkansas (she ended up having surgery today) but we were thankful she, Kyle, and Molly Cate were able to be with us. Our week started with Andrew's preschool "big feast" and later, Davis' publishing party. Our trip to Nashville was very uneventful despite the fact that we had to drive separate (Davis' publishing party was too late in the afternoon for the little ones to travel when it was over). Thankfully, the car place found a nail in my tire BEFORE I hit the road with the two little ones. When we got home on Saturday, all three children were ready to decorate for Christmas and Mommy is doing her best to be patient with their idea of decorating! I hope everyone had as an enjoyable Thanksgiving as I did!

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