Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer is here!

Summer has officially arrived!  Although Davis still has 2 more 1/2 days (well, he actually dismisses at 10:45), we spent our day at the pool with our friends, Ms. Erin, Alex, and Gray.  Davis already knows how to swim, Andrew has 2 more lessons to go, and Aubrey is swimming all over the pool with her floaties so pool time is much more relaxing these days for Mommy!  Hooray!

Davis helping the little ones open their popsicles.

Nothing beats popsicles at the pool on a hot day!

Silly friends wrapped up in the same towel.

Davis decided to join in on the fun.

Post-pool spa party.  Alex is "coloring" Aubrey's hair with purple hair chalk.  No worries, it washes right out!

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