Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The end of preschool came all too quickly this year and it made me a little sad.  Next year I will be sending Andrew off to Kindergarten and it will be Aubrey's last year of preschool.  Time goes so quickly these days!  We did have a great time at their end of the year carnival.  It was a rainy day but the school held it indoors and both Andrew and Aubrey were able to run around with their very best friends, Owen and Madeline, and hug on their wonderful teachers one last time.  We love our preschool!

Aubrey "playing" bean bag toss.  She might have cheated just a little. :)

The Three Amigas!

Andrew and his BFF, Owen. 

Aubrey and her BFF, Madeline.

She didn't cheat on this one.  However, she won every single time and Andrew didn't win once.  It's sort of a sore spot with him.

We will miss you, Ms. Williamson!

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