Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Aubrey's big Show

Aubrey has been taking a tap/ballet/gymnastics class at The Little Gym for almost a year now and she has really enjoyed herself.  Her favorite part is the ballet (don't call it dance, you'll get in trouble with her, it's simply, "ballet") so we are saying goodbye to the Little Gym and moving on to a place where she can "just do ballet."  Today was her Big Show and she did great! She was very nervous at first.  They tap danced first and she was hesitant and shy but when they got around to the ballet part, she was on!  The girl next to her kept swatting her with her flower but Aubrey remained focused and kept on going.  The last part was gymnastics and she did great on the balance beam and she even tucked her feet up on the bar (her least favorite thing to do there).  Way to go, Ballerina Aubrey, we are so proud of you! 

Pa and Aubrey

Nana with Andrew and Aubrey

Daddy's (very nervous) little girl before her show.

Pa, Nana, Daddy, Andrew, & the Hammerhead Shark (you didn't think we would go without him, did you?) all waiting for the show to begin.


Tap.  She was so nervous!

She was ready for the ballet portion of the show!

The flowers were a nice touch.  She loved hers!

She concentrated so hard!

She was one of the few who actually watched her teacher and followed along!

Gymnastics time.  She does like the balance beam.

Balancing on one foot with her friend, Lily.

Jumping down after she finished.

Flipping her legs up...

...and that's as far as she would go. No teacher has been able to get her to flip over. :)

Receiving her medal from Ms. Carly.

So proud!

Checking her medal out.

Group picture.  Aubrey's flower is covering her face on the bottom right.

There she is!

So proud of my sweet and silly little girl!

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