Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Teas

The past two days have been so fun and so full of food!  I feel like I have done nothing but eat and eat!  Having two preschoolers with Mother's Day Teas isn't helping!  Yesterday was my birthday and Aubrey was thrilled she was having her Tea on my birthday.  Her class sang, "You Are My Sunshine" to us and then gave us precious bookmarks and pictures they had made with their hand prints (yes, I will keep them, my parents still have a napkin holder made from my hand prints when I was little).  We had mini red velvet cupcakes that were delicious!  Today, it was Andrew's turn.  While they didn't sing to us, they did have those mini red velvet cupcakes and we took pictures to put in beautiful picture frames they had made.  I am admittedly sad this is Andrew's last preschool Mother's Day Tea, and, as I looked around, it was hard for me to picture Aubrey moving up to the big class. 
Singing "You Are My Sunshine."

We just finished our yummy cupcakes!

My sweet Andrew almost never looks at the camera.  He's still cute, though!

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