Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Night

Andrew decided not to be an elephant anymore and go back to last year's dinosaur. Still so cute!

Snow White, a ninja, and an elephant.

Spooky family!

Emily in her pjs with her "teddy bear"!

An elf, Sandy, and Kesha! What a mix!

They crack me up! She's pregnant so she was "hefty."

I love this!

A nurse and a cat.

The adults. Love Iron Man, second from the left.

Harry Potter and a ninja.

Pajama night!

Aubrey, Faith, and Andrew all ready to go.

Patrick and Aubrey in the wagon.

On the move!

We love Ms. Tammi!

This year, we hosted the youth group costume party on Halloween night, as well as went trick or treating with our friends, the Ogle family, and Davis' friend, Emery. The adults were supposed to dress up, too. My favorite was Sean's costume, Iron Man, he wore an iron around his neck! I love Halloween, what a fun night!

Crooked Creek trick or treating

Out before we even got there. Should have been a sign he wasn't feeling well.

Waiting in line. Note my ninja who won't show his face!

Alex and Davis (not so) patiently waiting.

The little ones are raring to go!

Aubrey really got into the whole treat thing!

Coming down the path.

Davis and Andrew getting candy.

This year on the Friday night before Halloween, we joined Erin and her kids to go trick or treating through Crooked Creek park. It was so fun, in the beginning anyway. The pathway was lit with candles and there were lots of stations along the way for the kids to get candy. Davis dropped his mask down a creek right off and we had to go back and fish it out later. Andrew wasn't feeling well and got sick about two thirds of the way through, poor little guy, but he was a trooper and wanted to go back for more candy. No worries, he was just congested and that upset his little tummy. He was hungry and fine by the time we got home. What a night!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Preschool Parade

There goes "Snow" as Ms. Lisa was calling her.

Shaking her candy corn shaker and singing her song.

Posing for pictures.

Aubrey's class.

Andrew playing candy corn sword fight with Zorro.

Posing for their pictures.

Are we done yet?

Mommy & her sweet elephant.

Ready to go party.

I think Halloween is what you make it. I know there are those who call it a Satanic holiday, but to me, it's all about children dressing up in cute costumes and getting candy. This is exactly what the little two did at their school parade this morning. I saw some of the cutest costumes and the children all looked like they were having so much fun (except for the little girl in Aubrey's class who cried when she saw her mommy). Both little ones enjoyed parading around with their class and making pictures after.

Little Gym Halloween Party

Very talented elephant going across the balance beam!

Resting in the tunnel.


Who is that beautiful princess & cute elephant in the mirror?

Time to eat!

How rude!

Aubrey's favorite thing to do at the Little Gym.

Perfect landing!

Pumpkin toss!

Elephant's turn.

He won a prize!

Sliding down...

...and again...

...Andrew's turn...

...and again!

There she goes!

Running in circles.

An elephant forward roll!

Playing in the bubbles.

Soooo excited to be there!

Andrew & Aubrey love the Little Gym and they threw a great party! Andrew had a blast and Aubrey had a great time, too, until she spotted another Snow White! How dare she?!?! :) They played games, tumbled, ate pizza, and didn't want to leave!