Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lights at the Zoo

All bundled up and ready to go!

Davis waiting to go in.

Alex and Davis, aka "Allison" & "David"

Roasting marshmallows.

Andrew's favorite part!

Finally, a picture of the Mommy's! Erin & Leslie.

Watching the bunnies.

Davis sooo didn't want to take this picture taken!

Sitting on a big rock.

We crazily braved the 35 degree weather Friday night and went to see the Lights at the Zoo. We certainly were prepared this year, the kids had on so many layers that Davis was sweating and Aubrey took her mittens off! We went with our good friends, the Miller's. Davis and Alex are the best of friends even though they call each other, "David" and "Allison!" They were hysterical the whole night! The hot chocolate was fabulous, roasting marshmallows was nice and toasty, and the lights were beautiful! It was a great night for getting all of us more in the mood for Christmas!

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