Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Aubrey loved for Pa to read to her.

Nana and her little helper.

Grandpa was very surprised!

Aubrey loved climbing the ladder all by herself!

Reading with Nana.

It has become our tradition to go to Nana & Pa's house for Thanksgiving. It's Nana's favorite holiday and the kids all love it because she gets all into it and makes it fun for them. The food is delicious! This year, one of the highlights was giving Rick's dad the ladder he has always wanted for his birthday. It was a great surprise! I think Aubrey loved the ladder most of all, though! Rick and I feel truly blessed that his parents come along, too, and we can all celebrate together. After all, isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about? Being together with family and being thankful for those you love?

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