Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Willisia & Aubrey

Waiting to start bowling.

Taking it all in.

Kaeden & Aubrey

Aubrey & Michaela

Go, Davis!

Ready to bowl!

Go, Andrew!

Watching his ball.

Kearnan & Aubrey

Kim taking drink orders.

Carson, Andrew, & Aubrey- the little kids table.

The big kids table.

Ready to eat.

Last year we had so much fun bowling that we decided to make it a tradition and do it again! A few more joined us this year and instead of going out to eat afterward, Kim & Phillip graciously invited us all over to their brand new house for hot dogs. It was a great evening, topped off with fireworks. Aubrey & Davis loved the fireworks, Andrew stayed inside. Happy New Year, everyone!

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