Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Willisia & Aubrey

Waiting to start bowling.

Taking it all in.

Kaeden & Aubrey

Aubrey & Michaela

Go, Davis!

Ready to bowl!

Go, Andrew!

Watching his ball.

Kearnan & Aubrey

Kim taking drink orders.

Carson, Andrew, & Aubrey- the little kids table.

The big kids table.

Ready to eat.

Last year we had so much fun bowling that we decided to make it a tradition and do it again! A few more joined us this year and instead of going out to eat afterward, Kim & Phillip graciously invited us all over to their brand new house for hot dogs. It was a great evening, topped off with fireworks. Aubrey & Davis loved the fireworks, Andrew stayed inside. Happy New Year, everyone!

Merry Christmas!

Making beignets Christmas Eve morning.

Putting out the carrots for the reindeer, one for each reindeed including Rudolph.

Putting out cookies and milk for Santa.

Santa was here!

Nana helping Andrew.

Davis was excited over his lego ship.

Daddy helping Aubrey.

The aftermath!

Aubrey loved all her purses!

Andrew and his (literally) smokin' train.

Leslie, Annette, and their eggnog.

Andrew was a huge fan of the eggnog.

Nikki & Aubrey at the kids table.

Full and happy!

Pa & Mr. Tim

Holidays this year were a whirlwind! We were so busy and traveled several times that it went by incredibly fast! We returned home from our visit to Tullahoma, TN with Rick's family on Wednesday the 23rd and my parents arrived the next day, Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve morning we made beignets for breakfast then that night we ate dinner out and then drove through Saluda Shoals to see the lights. When we returned home, we tracked Santa's route on the Internet which captivated all 3 children! Before bed that night, the boys laid out carrots for the reindeer and cookies & milk for Santa. Aubrey wasn't quite ready to help with that this year, she just wanted to eat the cookies. Maybe next year. On Christmas morning, our playroom was a mess of paper, bows, ribbons, bags and toys- lots and lots of toys! The kids had a HUGE Christmas this year but it was so much fun! Andrew & Davis were at the perfect ages to be excited about Santa and the magic of Christmas. Aubrey was just excited because her brothers were! The Elston family joined us for a yummy lunch again this year and we hope that tradition continues for many more years to come. I hope your holiday was as full of joy as ours was!

Decorating the gingerbread house.

Ready to start.

Yummy icing!

Davis decorating.

Andrew decorating.

Aubrey decorating.

Proud of their work.

The best part- eating the gingerbread house!

We started a new tradition this year, decorating a gingerbread house. I didn't realize what a major undertaking it would be! Who knew it could be so complicated? All 3 were very patient as we waited an hour for the icing to dry on the first part and two hours after the second part. Their favorite part was, of course, eating it!

A visit with Jon's family.

We haven't seen Rick's brother, Jon, and his family in almost 2 1/2 years so it was great for all of us to get together at their parent's house a few weeks ago. We had a wonderful visit. Jon's son, Isaac, and Davis are both 8 and shared a lot of similar interests. Aubrey was thrilled with Jon's daughter, Ava, who is 8. We are all hoping to make this a yearly tradition!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Andrew's Preschool Christmas Program

Ready for the program to start.

Walking in.


Listening to the Christmas story.

All done & ready for a cupcake!

Andrew's program was too too cute! Mrs. Lisa & Mrs. Kellie did a great job herding 13 2 & 3 year olds into a room packed with parents and grandparents and keeping all but one from getting upset. Not many sang but they sat/stood up front and smiled huge smiles. It was so precious! After it was over, we all went back to the classroom for a snack. Aubrey decided to go play and put all the baby dolls in the play kitchen's oven!

Davis is now a green belt!


High kick!

Receiving his green belt!

When Davis started taking karate almost a year and a half ago, we weren't sure how far he would go with it. Now he's a green belt, halfway to black, and is determined to go all the way! His graduation ceremony to green belt was lots of fun! They have a new instructor, Mr. Jerry, who is full of life! I wanted to put the video on of Davis' favorite part but it's kind of long so we settled on this one. Congratulations, Davis! We're so proud of you!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lights at the Zoo

All bundled up and ready to go!

Davis waiting to go in.

Alex and Davis, aka "Allison" & "David"

Roasting marshmallows.

Andrew's favorite part!

Finally, a picture of the Mommy's! Erin & Leslie.

Watching the bunnies.

Davis sooo didn't want to take this picture taken!

Sitting on a big rock.

We crazily braved the 35 degree weather Friday night and went to see the Lights at the Zoo. We certainly were prepared this year, the kids had on so many layers that Davis was sweating and Aubrey took her mittens off! We went with our good friends, the Miller's. Davis and Alex are the best of friends even though they call each other, "David" and "Allison!" They were hysterical the whole night! The hot chocolate was fabulous, roasting marshmallows was nice and toasty, and the lights were beautiful! It was a great night for getting all of us more in the mood for Christmas!